We are fortunate to have very generous friends that have been asking us for wedding gift ideas, and continue asking even when we try to change the subject. It is already enough that you have put time, effort and money towards celebrating us and we are touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness.

An idea that makes us feel more comfortable receiving anything from you, is to collect a small fund and halving it between our honeymoon and a contribution to several causes that we care about. We will be supporting charities working on children’s education, health and safety (more details to come).

The remaining contributions will be dedicated to fueling our gluttonous eating habbits on our honeymoon in Japan next year. Your kindness and support mean everything to us, and we will make sure to send you fantastic food pictures in 2025.

Bank Details:
Filippos Sotiropoulos and Farida Aiman Adel Dessouki
DE35 1203 0000 1085 1949 57